
Invitation to Tilda Swinton


Lumière welcomes this astonishing English artist with many facets. As an actress, she alternates first-rate successes (Michael Clayton, The Chronicles of Narnia, Snowpiercer or Okja) with underground works (Derek Jarman’s fétiche actress). She is also a screenwriter, director and producer.






Edward II by Derek Jarman (1991, 1h26)
The fall of a king, enamored with a lover who manipulates him; the betrayal of a deserted queen... An amazing post-modern transposition of Christopher Marlowe's eponymous play by the pope of the English underground.
Cinéma Opéra Sun. 15 at 5pm I Lumière Bellecour Fri. 20 at 2:30pm

Michael Clayton by Tony Gilroy (2007, 1h59)
A lawyer (George Clooney) is hired by a petrochemical firm to bury an affair. When he discovers the truth, he must make a choice... Tilda Swinton received an Oscar for her outstanding portrayal of Karen Crowder.
Pathé Bellecour Sun. 15 at 2:45pm I Lumière Terreaux Wed. 18 at 2:30pm

Only Lovers Left Alive by Jim Jarmusch (2013, 2h03)
Adam and Eve are vampires who have been a couple for centuries. They lead their respective lives until the younger sister of Eve comes to disrupt the course of things... An ode to the melancholy of bewitching poetry.
Institut Lumière Sun. 15 at 7pm I Bron Tue. 17 at 8:30pm I Lumière Bellecour Wed 18 at 7pm

The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger by Bartek Dziadosz, Colin MacCabe, Christopher Roth and Tilda Swinton (2016, 1h30)
British writer, screenwriter and art historian John Berger has been settled in a Savoyard village since 1973. Each director weaves a touching portrait of the thinker in a series of moving and rich reflections, accompanied by the presence of Tilda Swinton.
Villa Lumière Sun. 15 at 6:15pm


Meet Tilda Swinton
Comédie Odéon
Mon. 16 at 11:30am

Ticket sales for master classes at the Comédie Odéon will open soon. 
Sign up for the Lumière festival newsletter here to know when tickets will be available for purchase.





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